Inn Dwelling

What Does Hero Mean?
They say it takes a village. Well, at Inn Dwelling, our village is one made of heroes—the many staff, volunteer tutors, collaborators, and network of supporters who believe in our kids as much as we do and make opportunity available to turn dreams into reality. Founded in 1981, Inn Dwelling has consistently worked to enable our community members to achieve self-sufficiency and upward mobility. Today, we serve gifted, underprivileged, at-risk Philadelphia youth ages 11 to 18 through our Comprehensive Youth Initiative (CYI), a unique transformative education program that weaves together after-school tutoring, standardized test prep, STREAM skills, community service, leadership development, scholarships, and more with mentoring and advocacy to give our students the best chance at success. We aim to break the cycle of poverty by providing our next generation with the right tools to inspire, thrive, and lead. Our program equips and empowers youth in our city to become their own heroes, ready to effect change for themselves, their families, and their community.