Operation Yellow Ribbon South Jersey

What Does Hero Mean?
Operation Yellow Ribbon of South Jersey is an organization dedicated to supporting United States Military Forces serving in the Middle East by sending donated supplies to troops overseas, as well as promoting, coordinating and facilitating welcoming home events for local veterans. Over the past two years, the organization has shipped more than 100,000 pounds of care package goodies to deployed U.S. military members, including snacks and hygiene products many Americans take for granted back at home. For many troops deployed across the globe, having access to basic necessities like shaving cream, tooth brushes and deodorant is a luxury. Since its founding, Operation Yellow Ribbon of South Jersey has been connecting the amazing men and women of our U.S. military with a piece of home and a warm welcome upon their return.
Find out more at: http://www.operationyellowribbonsouthjersey.org/.